Ellis Park Student Village
What are the contact details for EPSV?
Is there Wi-Fi available?
What are the amenities offered at Adowa Living?
When can students move into Ellis Park Student Village?
What do I need to bring when I move in?
What are the operating hours for the res staff at EPSV?
And is there a waiting list in case someone does not show up?
Are there any single rooms still available at EPSV for 2024?
Do you accept any students other than UJ students for EPSV?
Is EPSV residence UJ accredited?
Can we arrange a viewing of EPSV?
Will single rooms for EPSV be available in 2024?
How many people does EPSV accommodate?
What is the Ellis Park Student Village address?
Does Adowa provide transport for EPSV Students?
When does the Ellis Park Student Village open in 2024?
What is the NSFAS code for EPSV?
Do I need to have an approval letter from NSFAS to apply for accommodation?
Can I apply for a single room if I am a NSFAS student?
If I already stayed at EPSV, do I need to re-apply for 2024?