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General Information
Can we move in on Sundays?
Yes. You can move in to EPSV on Sundays, however it will be slower to process everyone as we only have our Residence Manager and an assistant on Standby. It will not be the whole team. Yes. You can move in to FSSA on Sundays, however it will be slower to process everyone as we only have our Residence Manager on Standby. It will not be the whole team.
How spacious are the rooms?
Set up an appointment for viewing. Email leasing@adowa.co.za
Is there an IT/Computer Lab?
How do I know exactly which room I have been allocated?
This will be stipulated in your Lease Agreement.
Are there any additional fees I should be aware of?
For all NSFAS students, there is no lease fee that must be paid. However, for Cash paying students, at both Frederick Street and EPSV, there is a lease fee of R700 that must be paid.
Someone is bothering me and will not leave me alone.
Please report your misconduct directly over email to report@adowa.co.za or call 087 711 0644. Please be sure to contact the EPSV Residence Manager or call the police for these types of situations.
What other fees are involved?
Students will be provided with Electricity and Laundry vouchers each month. They will be required to pay a top-up fee should they deplete the electricity and laundry vouchers.
If I am a NSFAS student, can I be evicted?
Yes, you can be evicted. All students, if they do not pay or violate the residence rules, can be evicted.
And is there a waiting list in case someone does not show up?
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House Rules
Frederick Street Student Accommodation
Ellis Park Student Village
General Information
Moving In
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